Monday, November 29, 2010

Entrepreneurial Traits

My Introduction to Business class is starting a unit on entrepreneurs, check out the wordle that was created, the larger the word the more it is used. By the end of the semester we should have some business plans created.....will keep updating!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Purple-n-Gold Night a success

Alburnett FBLA organized one of the best every Purple-n-gold Nights! There was a lot of activities along with a great crowd Click the below link to see the pictures of the team introductions, teacher POMS squad, and Chaz Sorensen beating out Kylee Pyle in the 3-point contest.

Below is the video Clint Francois & Alex German created with Mr. Kuhlers' assistance.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Caracus to Alburnett via Skype

On Tuesday, November 9th, Mr. Alex Garcia, a businessman from Caracus, Venezuela visited the Alburnett Introduction to Business classroom via Skype. Mr. Kuhlers had the students write out questions the week before and gave those to Mr. Garcia to research his response. Mr. Garcia is an IT manager for an American company in Caracus, but he is a native Venezuelean. Most of his English communication is written so this was an opportunity for him to improve to work on his English speaking skills.

This opportunity gave the Alburnett students a chance to experience the global environment first hand. Besides hearing about Venezuela from Mr. Garcia, at the end he asked some questions in Spanish to the students. MacKenzie Mann and Jordan Neighbor stepped up to the challenge and had a short conversation with him in Spanish. This was an outstanding experience for my students and I hope to do more guest speakers via Skype as the opportunities arise.

Senior Kylee Pyle commented, this was something different and gave us a different view of how communication works. Aly Warner noted, it was neat to hear his comparisons of the U.S. and Venzuela. Danica Windfield realized that communicating isn't always as easy we want it to be. In the students reflection notes, many would like to do again, possibly using students from other countries.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Are we teaching the Love of Learning?

Education Article Summary/Reflection
Periodical: District Administration
Date: October 2010
Title: For the Love of Learning
Author: Will Richardson

Teaching education is more than passing the test or getting students into college, this article focuses on education teaching students to be self-directed, self-organized, and passionate learners. Students have more information at their fingertips through the web than we could have ever imagined from the late 80's and early 90's.

This article allowed me to reflect on my classroom at Alburnett. Are we focussing on individual student interest? Or real-problem solving? Or just the love of learning which some may refer to as exploration? Are we using the tools we have to do our best? I feel that we have to practice being passionate learners for our academia interest, which will carry over into our students. Are we trying new things and constantly updating, some new things don't go as well as others, so the next year are we adjusting or modifying or do we just scrap that idea?

This article focuses on the 21st century skills, which Mr. Richardson defines as the ability of our students to publish information to global audiences, by collaborating and creating with others who may be half way around the world at any hour of the day. Also, the ability of our students to tell stories through the use of multimedia, up to date and practical multimedia.

Sometimes it is easier to focus on the barriers, but if we step back with the attitude we want our students to develop then we need to find ways to incorporate the tools that our students are using in their personal life into education. Being creative in finding ways to use those tools in our classroom. If our students don't want to do something they will find an excuse; if they want to do something, they will find a way. The article focuses on a New Jersey school that is bringing this philosophy to their 3,200 students by making the majority of their classes inquiry based and grounding those classes in social online tools, such as blogs.

I enjoyed this article because I agree with a lot of what the author is saying and to me it makes sense. Learning is more than learning the answers for the next test, it is a passion. We need to display that passion through our teaching.

Please post ideas or thoughts or possible tools/contacts to develop this concept further at Alburnett.