Monday, August 23, 2010


A little information about myself. I'm Mr. Kuhlers and I teach 7-12 graders computer and business education in Iowa. I am always looking for opportunities that I can use with my students to give them a more practical and real education experience. I want my students to be able to apply their knowledge to real, unpredictable circumstances. Please add to this blog ideas that you have or have tried. If you have tried some new ideas please add your thoughts of reflection on how well the students responded to the new idea.

I enjoy learning new technologies, please add any new technologies that you may have learned or are using in your classroom. Some of the technologies I use are listed below:

In Accounting we play Monopoly on a Wii with students recording the transactions & posting
I use the Knowledge Matters-Virtual Business software in my Introduction to Business class
I use the personal finance, managment, and sports
For a quick check for understanding, I use
Also, my students use the Gamemaker v8.0 software in creating some quick simple video games

I am starting my seventh year and excited to find new technologies, such as incorporating into my curriculum and finding an international classroom for my Introduction to Business students to interact with and learn about other cultures. This year is going to be exciting and l look forward to seeing posts about what other teachers are doing.

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