Friday, December 24, 2010

Former student speaks to 7th & 8th graders

On Tuesday & Wednesday (Dec 21-22), Mr. Kyle Loux visited with my 7th & 8th grades classes about careers and specifically engineering. Mr. Loux graduated from Alburnett two years ago and is currently attending Purdue University studying Computer Engineering. Mr. Loux spent about 45 minutes with each class discussing many topics and answering student questions. Zach Prucha, an 8th grader, commented, "There are a lot more options for engineers and types of engineers than I thought." Another 8th grader, Tony McFarlin commented, "Engineering is in pretty much everything." Anna Possehl stated, "You have to take Physics to be a successful engineer." A question that a student asked was, "Did you take hare classes your senior year or easy classes?" Mr. Loux responded by challenging the students to be conintually challengin themselves with hard classes and learning everything possible in high school as that will help in the transition to college. An interesting statistic Mr. Loux discussed is that, it is estimated 50% of the current engineers in the U.S. will be retirement age in approximately 10 years. This will created a lot of opportunities for current high school students to focus on finding a good career in engineering. Thank you Mr. Loux, the students were engaged and had great questions!